Thursday, March 1, 2012

Problem Solving Methods for Kids and Families

The following ideas are some of my favorite Problem Solving Models that I have used with many families and schools over the years

Decision-Making Tree

Plan 1:  Use my self-calming methods when strong feelings come up

If:  I use my self-calming methods
Then:  I will be able to calm down and feel better
If:  I am able to calm down and feel better
Then:  I will be able to think more clearly
If:  I can think more clearly
Then:  I will make a better decision and won’t get into trouble

Plan 2:  Don’t use my self-calming methods when strong feelings come up

If:  I don’t use my self-calming methods
Then:  I will feel more and more upset
If:  I feel more and more upset
Then:  I will say or do something that hurts me or someone else in some way
If : I hurt me or someone else in some way
Then:  I will get into trouble or lose a friend, etc.

DECIDE Family-Problem Solving Method

D......................... Describe the problem

E…..................... Express feelings

C.................... Come up with

I..................... Ideas

D......................... Do the solution

E......................... Evaluate your choice and redo if needed

Here's One that works better for Younger Children

Problem-Solving Sheet for Younger Children (up to approx. age 10)

WHEN did the problem occur?
morning                               afternoon                             evening

WHERE were you?
my classroom                      lunchroom                            playground
another classroom                bathroom                             halls
art room                              office                                   my home
music room                          gym                                     daycare
in my neighborhood  other ____________________________

WHAT happened?

Somebody teased me
Somebody started fighting with me
Somebody told me to do something
Somebody did something I didn’t like
Somebody touched me somewhere I didn’t like
Somebody took something of mine
I didn’t show respect to somebody
I something wrong
I didn’t follow somebody’s directions
I had a problem with my schoolwork
I was mad about something

WHO was the other person(s)?

Another student
A teacher
A member of my family
The bus driver
One of my friends
Someone in my neighborhood
Other ___________________

How angry were you?
burning           really angry           sort of mad        mad but ok        not mad

What did you do?

Hit back
Ran away
Broke something
Threw something
Had a tantrum
Tore up my paper
Argued with someone
Was restrained
Walked away calmly
Kept on task
Talked it out
Ignored it
Controlled my temper
Listened to music
Took a time out
Took deep breaths
Played a game
Told a friend
Told a teacher
Told my parent
Told a neighbor
Told the bus driver
Told another adult
Other ____________

How would you say you HANDLED YOURSELF?

     1                         2                       3                      4                         5
Poorly              not so well              okay                 good                   great

List 3 BETTER WAYS to handle the problem:

What is your PLAN for the next time?